Northwood Kids

Our vision for our children is that they would know and treasure Jesus above all else. We pray that our children will give Jesus their greatest love, honor, devotion, trust, obedience, praise, and worship

This happens through a partnership between parents and the church. God has called parents to raise their children in the wisdom and admonition of the Lord and has called the church to come alongside parents to support them in this work.

Although this task may sound daunting, parents you can do this in so many ways!

You can: 

  • pray with your children at meals and bedtime
  • read Bible stories to your children (check out our Recommended Resources for some suggestions)
  • point them to Jesus as their only hope when they sin
  • apologize to them when you sin against them
  • let them know that you need Jesus too

And while not all of us are parents, we as a church commit to help those that are parents to teach their children to love and follow Jesus. We do this by praying for our children, by encouraging our parents, and by providing opportunities for your children to receive gospel-centered teaching from God’s Word.

On Sundays

Parents are welcome to keep their children in the service with them. However, we also offer gospel-centered, age specific teaching for children through 5th grade during the worship service.

• The nursery is available for children 2 and under up to 15 minutes before corporate worship begins.

• Children 3 and older will be dismissed from the service right before the sermon and then escorted by their teachers to receive age specific teaching.

• Children in 2nd-5th grade remain in the service the first Sunday of each month for our communion service.

On Wednesdays

• Children from age 3 through 5th grade meet from 6:30-8:00pm during the school year for A.W.A.N.A., which stands for “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.” This time is focused on growing our children’s love for Jesus and his Word through Bible memorization.

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