We believe becoming member of a local church is one of life’s most important decisions: the local church is the vessel through which the glory of God and the gospel goes forth among all nations. Given the importance of the church’s mission to make known the wisdom, glory, and gospel of God, we believe that membership in the local church ought to be God-honoring and meaningful.
As we understand it, church membership is simply a mutual commitment to fulfill the dozens of “one another” exhortations as we oversee and encourage each other’s discipleship in Christ. And it's this commitment that provides the foundation for the intimate relationships we pray are growing within our church family.
If you are interested in learning more about Northwood or pursuing membership,
we have a simple four-step process. The process is designed to help you get to know Northwood and for the church to get to know you.
Follow the steps below to start our membership process.
The first step to becoming a member is to participate in our Foundations Class. Our Foundations Class is held six times a year on a Friday Night (7:00-9:00pm) and a Saturday morning (8:30am-12:30pm).
In our Foundations Class you will learn what we believe about the gospel and the local church, where we’ve come from, who we aspire to become, and what our life together looks like. Participation in our Foundations Class does not commit someone to becoming a member at Northwood, but it is a great way for you to get to know Northwood!
If you’re interested in participating in the next one, register for our Foundation Class.
The next step is to prayerfully complete and submit the membership questionnaire. The link to this form will be emailed to those who have completed the “Foundations” class.
Our leadership desires that each prospective member spend some time with the elders of Northwood before joining. This conversation aims to foster community with those desiring membership, provide an opportunity for clarification on anything related to Northwood, and formally begins the process shepherding through care and counsel.
After completing these three membership steps, prospective members are invited to commit to the church by affirming and signing our membership commitments and the elders will recommend to the church to receive prospective members into membership. Our members are allowed to testify to the work of the gospel in the lives of prospective members, and then the church is invited to affirm their commitment to prospective members by voting to receive them into the membership of Northwood. After this new members are introduced to the church during a Sunday morning service.
Our constitution reflects how we organize and govern ourselves, and our membership commitments articulate the pledges our members make to one another.